The success of the Spongebob Squarepants animated series turned it into an equally successful media franchise. The longest-running animated series has been adapted into huge movies, TV Shows, and  both animated and live-action. Not to mention the toy line-up and comic book series. You might find it surprising, but Spongebob was also adapted into an award-winning Broadway musical. To top it all off, Spongebob also has a collection of decent video games.

The franchise has been releasing a Spongebob game almost every year since 2001. Several of these games are based on concepts of specific episodes from the series. This year, Purple Lamp Studios developed another Spongebob game, three years after the release of the commercially successful Battle for the Bikini Bottom – Rehydrated.  Spongebob Squarepants: The Cosmic Shake is a 3D platformer that was originally released for higher gaming consoles like PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and Windows. The game was also made available to PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X and Series S.

SpongeBob SquarePants

Luckily, for mobile device users, the well-acclaimed game will be ported soon to Android and iOS platforms, allowing everyone to experience this colorful 3D platformer. The Cosmic Shake follows the story of Spongebob and Patrick who come across a mermaid fortune teller named Madame Kassandra who gives them a magic potion that can make their dreams come true. Unfortunately, the potion caused mayhem and brought Bikini Bottom into a major catastrophe. Spongebob’s friends were sucked into different Wish Worlds, and he must find his way to save them all.

The mechanics of the game are seemingly simple. The game features seven beautiful worlds to explore. Your main objective is to guide Spongebob as he navigates the 3D world and saves his friends. You will be asked to explore various terrains and overcome a series of challenging obstacles along the way. As you progress, Spongebob will soon learn various skills or techniques that he can use to survive the game. These include Fish Attack, Glide, Karate Kick, Fishhook Swing, and more. You are also encouraged to collect the so-called Cosmic Jellies which you can later use to buy costumes.

SpongeBob SquarePants

Speaking of which, costume is one of the game’s interesting highlights. There are more than 30 colorful costumes to choose from. Some of these costumes can be aptly worn to match the world you are in. There’s the Karate Downtown Bikini Bottom, Wild West Jellyfish Fields, Prehistoric Kelp Forest, Medieval Sulfur Fields, and Jelly Glove World to name a few.

To top it all off, the game will not just take you to the same universe that we all love but it will also feature the characters we all adore which are voiced by the original actors. It also features a new soundtrack from the show’s composers, as well as a collection of songs from the series.

The developers described the ported version to be a direct high-quality port from the PC and console version. The game is now open for pre-registration and is scheduled to be released on December 12 for both Android and iOS devices. This will be a premium app available for $9.99. If you are an avid fan of the series, this game is definitely something to look forward to!


Pre-Register Now for SpongeBob SquarePants! Android / iOS


PS: Good news for Spongebob fans, there is a couple of new mobile games that will also take us back to the Bikini Bottom.

Spongebob Adventures: In a Jam (Android / iOS) and Spongebob Simulator (via Roblox) were also released this year for us to enjoy! Have fun!